Psalms 68:6 “God places the lonely in families…”
Psalms 68:6 “God places the lonely in families…”
At Embrace, we fervently believe every child deserves the love, safety, and stability of a forever family. Children lingering in foster care may drift from placement to placement as they wait, often many years, for a forever family. Embrace’s unique “Child to Family Connection” events help connect prospective adoptive parents with these waiting children.
Unlike traditional “match events”, the children are not present. Instead, “Child to Family Connection” events share the stories of children through portraits, videos, and display tables representing their unique personality, interests and dreams. Children’s adoption caseworkers and CASA volunteers are present to share about each child and answer questions. Dozens of local churches unite to plan this event and sponsor the children represented. We would love to help you learn more about joining this incredible effort, partnering as a congregation, or sponsoring a child for an adoption event.
At Embrace, we fervently believe every child deserves the love, safety, and stability of a forever family. Children lingering in foster care may drift from placement to placement as they wait, often many years, for a forever family. Embrace’s unique “Child to Family Connection” events help connect prospective adoptive parents with these waiting children.
Unlike traditional “match events”, the children are not present. Instead, “Child to Family Connection” events share the stories of children through portraits, videos, and display tables representing their unique personality, interests and dreams. Children’s adoption caseworkers and CASA volunteers are present to share about each child and answer questions. Dozens of local churches unite to plan this event and sponsor the children represented. We would love to help you learn more about joining this incredible effort, partnering as a congregation, or sponsoring a child for an adoption event.
child to family connection events
Licensed and unlicensed prospective adoptive parents are welcome to attend Embrace’s “Child to Family Connection” events. A panel of adult adoptees and adoptive parents share their experiences during an interactive panel, before unlicensed parents attend a breakout information meeting. Licensed parents then interact with caseworkers representing children, with the hope of identifying a family for every child. Churches in Collin County host the event, provide volunteer teams, and collaborate to put on an event that is changing the lives of waiting children. To learn more about how to get involved, email [email protected]
child sponsorship
Children waiting for adoption are represented at our unique Child to Family Connection events by a table display that captures their unique interests, hobbies, and dreams. Volunteers who “sponsor” a child for the event are matched with their sponsor child in advance and receive a list of suggested items for their display. Table sponsors shop for and purchase these items that will be on display. After the event, items are sent with the child’s caseworker and later delivered to them! For more information or to sponsor a child, email [email protected]
child to family connection events
Licensed and unlicensed prospective adoptive parents are welcome to attend Embrace’s “Child to Family Connection” events. A panel of adult adoptees and adoptive parents share their experiences during an interactive panel, before unlicensed parents attend a breakout information meeting. Licensed parents then interact with caseworkers representing children, with the hope of identifying a family for every child. Churches in Collin County host the event, provide volunteer teams, and collaborate to put on an event that is changing the lives of waiting children. To learn more about how to get involved, email [email protected]
sustaining donors
Sustaining donors commit to monthly financial support of Embrace. These partners allow the organization to respond quickly and proactively to needs we see in the community, or foresee in the near future. This steady source of revenue preserves staff time and effort for helping children and families in our community, as opposed to fundraising. No amount is too big or small. These monthly donors are creating a strong foundation for Embrace. To become a sustaining donor with Embrace click here, enter the amount you’d like to give each month, then select the “make this a recurring donation” option.
host portraits of hope
Portraits of Hope is a mobile photographic exhibit of children in foster care, waiting for adoption. You can host this impactful gallery at your church or business and be a part of finding adoptive families for children lingering in foster care. You can also sponsor a child’s portrait in the gallery by visiting our giving portal under “give” in the menu.
portrait photographers
Photographers donate their time and talent to capture incredible images of children in foster care waiting for adoption. These portraits are valuable tools we’re putting in the hands of heavily burdened caseworkers. The portraits are used online, in the Portraits of Hope gallery, and at Child to Family Connection events to help find families for children. All volunteers working with children must be background checked and donate all images to Embrace.