each year over 1,200 children "age-out" of foster care in texas
each year over 1,200 children "age-out" of foster care in texas

When given the tools to keep house, prepare healthy meals, and get a good night’s sleep, young adults leaving foster care are more likely to maintain their housing and less likely to become homeless. Embrace provides “First Apartment Kits”, furniture, graduation celebration, life-skills classes, and a robust network of resources to teens transitioning out of foster care. We build relationships with teens as they take their first steps into independence. We’re there to celebrate successes and encourage them when they face difficulties. If you would like more information regarding Project Launch, or our other efforts with foster youth, contact us at [email protected].
My apartment was just bare walls. Now I have everything I need. This feels like home, and I’m going to work hard to keep it that way.

stephen, 19
youth leaving foster care
I finally got approved for my apartment. When I moved in, people from Embrace delivered a bed for me and my daughter, and even unicorn bedding for her! She’s so excited to have her own bed.

davina, 20
aged-out of foster care, mother of 1
When young ladies graduate from our program and are ready to move out on their own, our first stop is always at Embrace. They love getting to “shop” for the items they need for their new homes.

case manager from partner agency