Foster, adoptive and kinship care families are always changing, and so are the needs of their kids! Whether you’re in need of a toddler bed, toys, or gently used clothing, a local “foster closet” can be a great resource for your family. We’ve compiled a list of foster closets and resources serving families like yours in the DFW area. PLEASE contact each location to confirm details/hours/procedures before you make a visit. Some locations allow you to “shop” for children in your care, while others pull items for you. The resources listed here are independent, and not a part of the Embrace Texas ministry. You might also consider placing requests on Embrace’s Facebook page The Loop: By Embrace.
Have items you’d like to donate to a child in need in our community? See resources listed below!
foster closets
Foster closets
Foster, adoptive and kinship care families are always changing, and so are the needs of their kids! Whether you’re in need of a toddler bed, toys, or gently used clothing, a local “foster closet” can be a great resource for your family. We’ve compiled a list of foster closets and resources serving families like yours in the DFW area. PLEASE contact each location to confirm details/hours/procedures before you make a visit. Some locations allow you to “shop” for children in your care, while others pull items for you. The resources listed here are independent, and not a part of the Embrace Texas ministry. You might also consider placing requests on Embrace’s Facebook page The Loop: By Embrace.
Have items you’d like to donate to a child in need in our community? See resources listed below!